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June 4, 2021
Fourth journey of the collection: From Evin with love in Vienna
April 30, 2022We, the members of the International Association of Women Museum(IAWM), have experienced a hybrid conference with the slogan of “Still We Create” at 6th IAWM Conference in Hittisau.
The created slogan was followed by several creative events organised by the wonderful Hittisau’s team. The team’s work was so wonderful it made us feelas if we “Alice in wonderland”!
Women from Austria, France, Germany, Iran, Italy, Norway, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and Ukraine were there as our wonderful host the “Hittisau women museum” prepared us a trip-conference as we realized the “Alice in wonderland”.
Our wonderful technical team facilitated online participation for those who could not join us in person, including members from Albania, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, Egypt, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Korea, Mexico, Portugal, Senegal, Turkey, the US and Vietnam.
The official inauguration started with a message from Shirin Ebadi, the Iranian woman Nobel Peace Prize laureate also known as the Godmother of the IAWM , which has presented by Mansoureh Shojaee
The conference served several purposes:
1. THe IAWM’s annual conference and the General assembly
2. The IAWM’s new board election
3. The inauguration of “Birth Culture exhibition” in Fraun Museum Hittisau
IAWM’s Annual Conference and the General Assembly
The first conference took place in Germany in 2009. It was hosted by the Bonn Women’s Museum.
Since 2009, it has been organized as the biennale, but the rescheduling it to the every 4 year, has been ratified by the General Assembly in Hittissau! .
IAWM’s New Board Election
One of the conference’s purposes was electing the new board. The hybrid voting process was a new experiences for us and the technical group did their best to carry out this daunting task. The new members of the board appear in alphabetical order:
Elsa Ballauri (Albania), Gaby Franger (Germany), Glenda Hecksher (Mexico), Mona Holm (Norway), Kyehyong Ki (south Korea), Gabriela Martinez Cañete (Argentina), Sinéad McCoole (Ireland), Stefania Pitscheider Soraperra (Austeria), Sissi Prader (Italy) and Ashley Remer (UK)
According to our new board’s report, Mona Holm will now be the President and Gaby Franger will serve as the Vice President.
The IRWMM members wish both of them a prosperous work period in the next 4 years.
The inauguration of “Birth Culture exhibition” in Fraun Museum
The exhibition’s focus was on the culture of birth in the region from the former times to the present.
Advocating the feminine approach, it seemed very progressive and courageously in a rural area.
“The people of this region have been influenced by our work as an independent group of women who are presenting by an artistic manner the bitters and the sweets of the women’s daily lives”, Said,our brave Stephanie, the chairwoman of the museum.
Some of the missing points in the exhibition, such as the right to abortion, show that we need to work more on such rights!
The Acknowledgment:
Finally, if you’re wondering how this wonderful gathering in a wonderland such as Hittisau was accomplished, allow me to tell you some of the magic names:
1. The Hittisau Frauen museum team who built a joyful yet serious atmosphere for us to both learn and relax.
2. Our lovely Stefania Pitscheider Soraperra, whose professional participatory management ran everything in the best way.
3.My beloved friends from Nurnberg: Bertrun Jeitner-Hartman and Mechtilde Engel for their amazing pre-organizing for my presence at the conference.