Documentary of the conference "Feminist Pedagogy: Museums, Memory Sites, Practices of Remembrance - 1. Asian and European conference of women’s museums", Istanbul 2018

IAWM calls on the Iranian government to immediately release lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh and all women’s rights activists who are in Iranian jail. They did not commit a crime, they only insisted on the human rights in their country!
Do you know, if there is a Women's Museum in your proximity? Find out on
Visit a Women’s Museum around International Women's Day and find out more about gender in history, art, and culture.
#IWD2019 #womeninmuseum #IAWM
Jeff and Marcia are an artist and documentarian couple. I met them while they were working on their most recent documentary. While chatting with them casually, which usually is more interesting than the “official discussion” people have, we came to know about each others’ taste in art and literature. While we were doing this, we came to know how much more we have in common.
On Monday, November 26, Dr. Shirin Ebadi the Iranian Nobel Peace Prize winner was a honorary guest of SW faculty for launching her new book “ Until we are free”.
Shirin Ebadi, Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize
Monday 26 November
VU main building
Hall: AGORA1
17:00 START
18:30 MEET & GREET
19:00 End
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV
The Women’s Museum Istanbul and Sabanci University Gender and Women’s Studies Center of Excellence organized a conference in Istanbul from the 18th to 23rd of October.
Feminist Pedagogy: Museums, Memory Sites, Practices of Remembrance, has taken place with the aim of discussing feminist pedagogical approaches and emphasizing the role of the women’s museum in shaping and transforming collective memory planned several lectures, workshops, storytelling, exhibitions and walks over 5 days.
Museums and memory sites play a key role in shaping and transforming collective memory as well as in producing accessible knowledge on collective pasts and presents. Yet, despite the developments in producing critical knowledge on gender, sexuality and memory in the past decades and the development of feminist pedagogy, many museums and memory sites remain uncritical of conventional gender roles, contributing to the further reproduction of gender-based norms and inequalities.
The dry rasp of the empty mailbox being opened and closed evokes two memories in me. The sound of Kalashnikov bolts being pulled as soldiers opened fire on demonstrators. The sound of the small window in the steel door of Cell 25 in Cell Block 209, Evin Prison, when the guard would peek in to say that someone was using the toilet. Meaning that the prisoner had to go on writhing like a snake from the pressure of her bladder.